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Calling for DELEGATES

1 - 4 August 2019 | De Palma Hotel, Shah Alam

About #BB4SCP

About Building Bridges for Sustainable Consumption & Production #BB4SCP

How did the #BB4SCP come about?

Our current natural resources are already over-exploited. Data gathered by Global Footprint Network (GFN), an international sustainability think tank revealed that the Earth Overshoot Day (EOD) for 2017 was on 2 August. Ideally, this date should be after 31 December of the year.

 This could be grimly compared to spending all of one's annual salary in 220 days and having to live off borrowed funds for the remainder of the year. But not all is naught, in 2018, EOD was on the 1 August. As the world population collectively becomes more aware of their impact on the earth, we can witness the slowing down of EOD.

In our country, the youth represents the biggest demographic group, accounting for half of our population. Our youths today are more informed, more tech-savvy and more connected than any generation before. Riding on this momentum, WWF-Malaysia’s FEE EcoCampus programme strives to inculcate a sense of environmental stewardship among youth, and urge them to care for the planet through this conference. 

Did you know?

  • Malaysia ranks eighth of the world's mismanaged ocean pollution with an estimated one million tonnes of plastic waste produced.

  • Malaysia is the largest plastic exporter in ASEAN and ranked 25th in the global plastic exports in 2017. The plastic industry in Malaysia itself cost RM60 billion whereas RM3.5 billion is from the plastic recycling industry.

  • In 2014, an estimated 15 to 51 trillion microplastic particles were floating in the world’s oceans, weighing between 93,000 and 236,000 tonnes.

  • 80% of the microplastic are from land-based sources, like bottles and bags.

  • According to National Geographic magazine, scientists gathered 750,000 bits of plastic in 1sq km of that patch.

What is Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP)?

SCP aims at ‘doing more and better with less’, increasing net welfare gains from economic activities by reducing resource use, degradation and pollution along the whole lifecycle while increasing quality of life. It involves different stakeholders, including business, consumers, policymakers, researchers, scientists, retailers, media, & development cooperation agencies, among others.

​The examples of practising SCP include reducing the use of natural resources (reduce the production of waste), carpooling (reduce carbon emission), using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, developing alternative fuel sources, such as biofuels for our transportation needs, using environmentally friendly cleaning products, using papers certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), upcycling, and many more. Practising sustainable consumption and production can ensure that the environment has resources available long into the future.


This concept requires a systemic approach and cooperation among actors operating in the supply chain, from producer to final consumer. It involves engaging consumers through awareness-raising and education on sustainable consumption and lifestyles, providing consumers with adequate information through standards, labels and engaging in sustainable public procurement, among others.

The Conference

The Conference - Building Bridges for Sustainable Consumption & Production 


What is it?

The #BB4SCP 3.0 Conference is a  4-day conference & will be held in De Palma Hotel Shah Alam, Selangor on 1-4 August 2019. Conference delegates will be able to enhance their knowledge & be agents of change through sharing sessions, hands-on activities, workshops, educational outings & more! 

Selected delegates are required to attend all 4 days of the conference & they will be provided with*:

1. Accommodation & transportation during the conference

2. Complete daily meal

3. Conference kit 

*Terms & conditions apply

Why is the theme this year

What’s With Plastics?

The theme for this year’s event is ‘What’s with Plastics’ because it is generic and it allows room for a robust discussion on plastics in several relevant perspectives. The theme will allow us to unpack the myth on plastic and understand the benefit that it brings and also the destruction it has caused due to mismanagement. Leading to advocating a stricter policy to mitigate the mismanagement of plastic and to influence a more sustainable consumption and production pattern of plastic usage and disposal. This conference theme is set aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and it contributes to the achievement of 9 out of 17 SDGs. 


SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life Below Water), 15 (Life On Land) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).


Why attend?

This is the third Youth Conference for Sustainable Consumption & Production organised by WWF-Malaysia, and it will be bigger & better! Not only will the science & policy be at the cutting edge; the conference will be carried out by Eco-warriors with many years of valuable experience & knowledge on sustainable consumption & production. #BB4SCP 3.0 will host local and international youths, aged between 18 to 30 years old. Thus, we urge those who are interested in sustainable consumption & production to come to #BB4SCP 3.0. Places are limited, but we’ll pack in all that we can!

Who are the speakers? 

#BB4SCP 3.0 brings together professional speakers from the private sector, academia, & Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) with many years of valuable experience & knowledge on sustainable development. 

When and where is the conference? 

#BB4SCP 3.0 is a 4-day 3-night conference. It will be held on: 

1 to 4 August 2019 in De Palma Hotel Shah Alam, Selangor.

Reminder: Conference delegates are required to attend the entire 4 days of the conference.

Call for Poster / Concept Paper (Optional) 

Title : 

Way forward through great ideas for Zero Plastics in Nature: Innovation of an instrument (e.g. technical, communication, regulation, economy, social, education) to mediate plastic issues. #zeroplasticsinnature

Option 1 : According to the UN Environment, only nine percent of the nine billion tonnes of the plastic produced in the world have been recycled. The remaining of the plastics either end up in the ocean through our waters, or in landfills where it sits to be disintegrated. As various parties look into the reduction of future plastic waste, the existing waste remains an issue at hand that needs to be tackled. Discuss how you would take action to solve the issues with new and alternative instrument (e.g. technical, communication, regulation, economy, social, education) as a way forward in solving our existing plastic waste problems.

Option 2 : Plastic remains as one of the greatest innovation known to humankind. Its flexibility, adaptability and affordability are by far unrivaled and untested. To completely eliminate its use in everyday life would be a challenge. As we continue to reap the benefits of this wonderful creation, look at the road ahead for plastics. Discuss what's next, as we look into moving beyond recycling, closing the loop in the usage and production system, solutions for end-of-life plastics and possible mitigation instrument for the future.

Based on the two options provided above, submit an abstract of no more than 500 words with methodology or approach for your innovation. There is no restriction on the medium of presentation (video/toolkit/model). For any product / technical / physical instrument, prototype should be available by the Conference.


Riding on Chapter 6 of the Eleventh Malaysia Plan of pursuing green growth for sustainability and resilience, your proposed mediation should look into, but not limited to the possible reduction of landfills, comprehensive waste management, sustainable consumption and production practices; and integration of communication, education and public awareness.

Your proposed mediation is to be aligned with the pillars of sustainable development in which it should work to eradicate poverty, enlist the participation of people from all walks of life through education, and prevent any environmental degradation or unsustainable development without forgoing the local culture and way of life. It should also support the efforts towards UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

9 SDGs have been identified to have possible links with your proposed mediation, namely

Conference Schedule

- Day 1 -

- Day 2 -

- Day 3 -

- Day 4 -

Note: Agenda may differ during the conference.

The Speakers - Building Bridges for Sustainable Consumption & Production

Elly Ruhayu

Project Manager | The Precious Plastic Project, Fuze Ecoteer

Elly Ruhayu is managing The Precious Plastic Project since it was first established by the collaboration between Fuze Ecoteer & The Sea Monkey Project. She is responsible for developing the advocacy and promotional plans for the project especially in terms of marketing and awareness programmes. She is experienced primarily in Research & Conservation, Advocacy & Project Management in various organizations and societies namely WWF-Malaysia, Nature Educational Society (NEST) and Putrajaya Corporation. She is actively providing a freelance consultation for Social Impact Assessment for MSPO Certification.

Mohd Faisal Abdur Rani

Head of Waste Management Division | Sustainable Business Network Association Malaysia

For 3 years, Faisal has implemented green business and community empowerment development, sustainable waste management training and awareness programmes in companies, communities and schools. These programmes include waste audits, cleanups, report writing, and waste to wealth workshops such as eco-bricks, composting, and events waste management. With a total experience of 8 years in management, business development, and technical consultancy. The vast experience in the various industry, looking in optimization and sustainability development.

Theresa Ng

Programme Development Manager | Reef Check Malaysia

Theresa joined Reef Check Malaysia in early 2018 as the Programme Development Manager. Currently, her focus areas are on marine debris and plastic pollution. With a rather idealistic goal of 'No More Beach Clean-Ups in 10 years', Reef Check Malaysia is investigating ways to address the issue at the source and overcome the problem of trash in the ocean.

Graduated from the University of Adelaide, her background is in International Relations and Anthropology. She has work experience in youth and community development in various countries. Some of the early and interesting highlights were implementing micro-financing models in remote villages in India and investigating the nutritional status of children in the slum areas of Peru. Her avid interest in scuba diving which explains her passion for the ocean and marine life!

Dr. S.Sri Umeswara

Founder & CEO of Era Suria Ecopreneurs Sdn Bhd (ES ECO) – Circular Economy Experts, holds a Master of Science and a PhD in Energy and Environment at the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST)

S.Sri Umeswara is an “Ecopreneur”, who is a strong supporter of sustainable living and he advocates the circular economy concept. He has been a member of various government committees as policy and climate change advocate. He was invited to participate in various forums, labs, workshops, surveys,  seminars and conferences, so as to share his expertise and to present his views both locally and internationally. He has over 10 years of experience in integrated communications, public and government affairs spanning a wide spectrum of non-profit organisations and associations in Malaysia,  Asia and Global. He is also a Malaysian Delegate and Subject Matter Expert at UNEP (United Nations  Environment Programme) Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics. He believes in collaboration and strives to bring organisations and businesses together with the community to achieve success.

Carolyn Joan Lau Foon

Co-Founder of Sampah,Menyampah

Carolyn Lau, a mother of 3 is a proud Malaysian who has dabbled in the set and lighting design for experimental theatre. She is a landscape architect and enjoys making things out of the trash and thus has a love-hate relationship with consumerist packaging and mass-produced plastic.

In March 2017 she co-founded Sampah, Menyampah a volunteer citizens action initiative spreading awareness on litter and plastic pollution with the aim of empowering Malaysians to take shared stewardship of our environment and to reign in our habits of consumption. Sampah, Menyampah operates by giving talks and simple workshops crafting alternatives to SUDPs to schools, universities businesses and corporations as well as organising events such as the now annual Sampah, Menyampah and Friends EARTH Weekend, Collaborations with other like-minded individuals or groups is key to Sampah, Menyampah's manifesto which is to gather our energies and ripples to become the 7th wave of citizen power. 


Sampah, Menyampah's first campaign was Tak Nak Straw and their second campaign is Tak Nak Plastik (pakai buang).

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BB4SCP Conferfence Registration

This is interesting!

I want to participate BB4SCP 3.0 Conference.

Registration is Closed!


Registration ends on 17th June 2019 at 11:59 pm (GMT +8).

So hurry!

What went down during #BB4SCP 2.0

Contact Us

Contact Us

Ms. Johleen Koh
Tel: +603 7450 3773 Ext. 6317

Fax No: +603 7450 3777


1 Jalan PJS 5/28A 
Petaling Jaya Commercial Centre (PJCC) 
46150 Petaling Jaya 
Selangor, Malaysia 

Please send your queries here & I will get in touch with you the soonest.

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(Education for Sustainable Development Programme)

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